
Tangisan adalah sinonim dengan bayi kerana itu satu-satunya cara mereka berkomunikasi dengan penjaganya..Penjaga pula haruslah peka dengan keadaan tersebut jangan cepat stress dan panik..CikMa pun tengah belajar sekarang mendalami ilmu-ilmu tangisan bayi ne melalui EanRifqee..huhuhu...dibawah ne CikMa ada kongsikan antara punca-punca bayi mengeluarkan tangisan merdunya..=)

•Lapar : Tidak dinafikan bahawa sering kali tangisan bayi dikaitkan dengan rasa lapar.bapa. Pastikan anak mendapat makanan yang secukupnya. Bagi bayi yang belum berusia 6 bulan, makanan yang dimaksudkan tentulah susunya. Para penjaga kenalah ambil tahu jadual minum susu anak agar anda tahu bilakah waktunya dia kena menyusu.

•Basah : Rasa tidak selesa akibat basah pun boleh menyebabkan bayi menangis. Oleh yang demikian, rajin-rajinlah periksa lampin bayi anda dan tukar lampin tersebut dengan kerap bagi mengelakkan punggungnya basah. Menjaga kebersihan bahagian lampin bayi sangat penting agar dapat mengelakkan masalah ruam yang akan membuatkan bayi rasa gatal dan tidak selesa.

•Tidak Selesa Dengan Persekitaran : Keadaan persekitaran juga sering mengganggu bayi. Suasana sekeliling yang terlalu bising dan sempit boleh menyebabkan bayi menangis. Bukan itu sahaja, suhu yang terlalu panas atau terlalu sejuk pun boleh mengganggu keselesaan bayi.

•Jatuh : Ada ibu bapa yang gemar menidurkan bayi mereka di dalam buaian. Amalan seperti ini terutamanya pada waktu malam tidak praktikal kerana macam-macam boleh berlaku di dalam buaian ketika anda sedang tidur. Salah satu perkara yang boleh berlaku ialah terjatuh. Bayi yang tidur lasak mudah terjatuh dari buaian lebih-lebih lagi jika dia dibiarkan tidur sendirian.

•Kembung : Bayi juga terdedah kepada masalah kembung perut. Masalah yang turut dikenali sebagai kolik ini akan menyebabkan bayi menangis dalam satu jangka masa yang panjang. terutamanya pada waktu petang. Biasanya untuk meredakan sakit perut yang dialami bayi, urut bahagian perutnya dengan lembut menggunakan minyak yang sesuai. Urut juga bahagian belakang tubuhnya. Selain daripada meredakan kesakitan yang dialami, urutan boleh menenangkan bayi.

Dibawah ne pulak CikMa kongsikan teknik '5M' untuk menghentikan tangisan bayi anda..

‘5M’ yang dimaksudkan itu merangkumi:

  1. Membedung, 
  2. Memeluk, 
  3. Mendiamkan, 
  4. Membuai, 
  5. Menghisap. 

‘5M’ melibatkan ‘membedung’ bayi dalam selimut seperti dalam kantung ibu, ‘memeluk’ erat dalam dakapan anda, ‘mendiamkan’ bayi dengan membuat pelbagai bunyi yang menarik perhatiannya, ‘membuai’ mereka seolah-olah dalam buaian atau menukar posisi baring mereka yang asal dan memberi puting untuk mereka ‘menghisap’ samada payudara si ibu atau puting botol susu. Dipercayai bayi sangat senang apabila dipeluk dan diberi susu ibu walaupun kadang-kadang mereka tidak minum. Mungkin tabiat bayi itu sangat memberi ketenangan bagi mereka untuk berhenti menangis.

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4 Factors To Consider Before Proposing With BTO

4 Factors To Consider Before Proposing With BTO

The Singaporean version of romantic moment with life’s milestone achievements is not “Will you marry me?”, it is related to property. Here it goes, “Want to apply for BTO together?” Surprising eh. That’s because the growing appetite for house ownership amongst Singaporeans that triggered them to propose this way. Let’s do some calculation on time, with an average of waiting time from three years to four years for the completion of a BTO or Build-To-Order flat, the balloting for one prior to an actual marriage proposal has long been the norms for couples here. Recently, Singapore government has rolled out new initiatives like the Sale Balance of Flats (SBF). This allows Singaporeans to have more options when getting certain BTO flats which includes shorter waiting time, that’s if after you have check your loan affordability with the loan calculator.

However, based on our recent poll survey, about 67% of our respondents highlighted that couples should only apply for BTO after their proposal. Unless, romance is still the main consideration for couples to contemplate on marriage these days. While most girls would love a romantic marriage proposal but marriage itself is a lifelong commitment. Lifelong commitment and house ownership together remains an important milestone that requires early and strategic planning imperative. However, here are some of the important considerations.

1. Resale flats vs BTO

The internal debate that we are always contemplating on, resale flats or BTO flats. Although buying a resale flat looks like an attractive proposition for majority. Potential buyers are now spoilt for choices especially when it is situated in different locations, they are no longer subject to waiting time or time constraint. One of the best things about buying a BTO is the possibility of obtaining HDB grants that can probably help you save up to tens of thousands of dollars. While the grant amounts varied depending on your eligibility but we advise that to review the list of grants that are available in the market so you can carefully maximise your goodies and benefits.

2. Mature vs Non-mature town

Like what Donald Trump always says, “Location, Location, Location”. It is known that properties that are located in the central or located in matured as they provide convenience to accessibility and flexibility to their desired places. The recent BTO exercise for February 2019, those flats in Kallang/Whampoa are expected to be very well received with highly oversubscribed. Reason behind is the location of the flats where they are well-located in the city fringe and they are very near MRT stations. On the other hand, there are also projects situated in the non-mature areas and they are usually more affordable compared to those in matured areas. On the downside, those locations are usually less accessible and logically, you will need to pay more slightly on the cab fares if you do not own car.

3. Price

This is one of the major factor for decision making when purchasing a home. Realistically, houses located in mature estates possess higher prices and more expensive compared to the non-mature estates. If you observe the flat’s prices offered in February’s BTO exercise, you will notice that the starting price of a three bedder flat (3-room) in Kallang/Whampoa could actually costs more than double of the similar sized flat’s costs in Jurong West. You can click here to see the BTO prices in February. With the difference of approximately $50,000 to $100,000, you should consider if the convenience and location is what you are looking for.

4. Eligibility and schemes

Before applying for BTO, pretty sure both you and your future spouse will need to check your eligibility individually to make sure that you will be able to apply for schemes and grants based on your condition. For example, if both of you are under engagement status (fiance/fiancee), there’s a scheme for engagement status. However, both of you must agree to solemnize your marriage within three (3) months of collecting your keys to your flat - this situation may be in awkward situation if both of you are not in a rush to get married. You could also apply for joint singles scheme where you and your partner are under these statuses like unmarried, divorced or widowed. This scheme will allow you to apply jointly as co-applicants and new 2-room flat in non-mature estates. You can check here for the different schemes.
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Amalan Ibu Mengandung

Amalan Ibu Mengandung | Oleh Dato’ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood. Menurut Al-Quran, Sunnah & Pengalaman.

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Apabila Sakit Gigi Menyerang Dan Petua Traditional

Apabila Sakit Gigi Menyerang Dan Petua Traditional 


Hari ne CikMa nak kongsikan petua untuk meredakan sakit gigi..huhuhu..kenapa?? sebab tuan tanah dah 2 hari menderita sakit gigi..sakitnye satu bahagian je tapi rasanya satu badan yang sakit ne..huhuhu..CikMa sebenarnya takut untuk jumpa doktor gigi masuk je bilik doktor berdiri bulu roma seriauuuu semacam je...kikiki...jadi CikMa try la google cari petua-petua traditional ne mana la tahu sakit gigi ne hilangkan...jommm CikMa kongsikan kat bawah ne...

Petua 1: Bancuh satu sudu kecil garam dengan air hangat setelah larut biarkan seketika hingga sejuk dan gunakan untuk berkumur..lakukan sekerap yang boleh In sha Allah dengan izinNya..

Petua 2 : Gigit 3 kuntum bunga cengkih pada tempat yang sakit tadi kalau ada gigi yang berlubang tumbuk bunga cengkih tersebut dan isi dalam lubang gigi dan tutup dengan kapas..dengan izinya in sha Allah sakit akan berkurangan..

Petua 3 : Ambil sedikit kapur sireh dan sapukan pada gigi yang sakit tu..

Petua 4 : Ambil 10 helai daun sireh tua di rebus dengan air hingga mendidih,sejukkan dan tapis dan berkumurlah dengan air tapisan tersebut..

Petua 5 : Hiris bawang putih dan tempelkan pada gigi yang sakit. Biarkan sekurang-kurangnya satu jam dan anda akan rasa kesannya..
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5 Types Of Tenants To Beware Of

  • 3:30:00 pm
After purchasing your first property for investment, you must be thinking that you are packed to be a successful investor and work would stop here. Guess again. Buying an investment property such as Avalon condo is just the start of the investing journey. Now, as a landlord, you will have more responsibilities to juggle such as managing your rental property, paying taxes, and sourcing for the right tenant. It is not an easy job and would require a long term management strategy to ensure continuous investment performance. Securing tenant is the main concern of all landlord, as tenant are the main contributor of your rental income. Thus, it is important to choose your tenant wisely. Here are a list of tenant to beware of when you are trying to rent out your property.

1.    Tenant with bad reputation and eviction history

A background check and some detective work is needed on your potential tenants. Some small talks, details of their jobs, previous rental history are important information you should get before making any decision in renting out the property. Never rent out your property to a tenant who was evicted by their previous landlord. Some will explain as if the fault were not theirs and it was the landlord’s grudge against them. Let’s be rational, landlords will not hold any grudges towards the tenant except for money matters. Eviction notices are usually due to payment delay or vandalism of the property.

2.    Individuals who are unemployed or frequent change of jobs

The second most important factor to check is their job history. Landlords have rights to obtain these kind of information to gauge the credibility and reliability of potential tenant. Stable, high income does not correlate with on-time payment and less troublesome, but it may still be an indicator to consider the tenants credibility. A person with no stable income may raise some red flags as they may delay their rental payments or avoid making them. It is a better bet to rent out your property to a tenant with stable job and a secure income.

3.    Bad credit history

A tenant with poor credit history may have the tendency to delay payment. People with good credit history are less likely to pay rental at the end of the month. These people may be frequent movers, from one rental property to another. The reason behind may not be simple as, moving due to work or spending their savings on buying an investment property instead of a home.

4.    Criminal records

A responsible landlord will make sure that your tenants and neighbors are safe. A check on criminal record could be a cautious step taken to prevent any crime opportunity to arise within your neighborhood or apartment.

5.    Unhygienic tenant

Some giveaways may be greasy hair, shoes with holes in the soles, off-white shorts with a button or two missing, and finger nails in which you could grow a sack of spuds.

If you let to the Filthy family, expect your property to look equally grotty within weeks. The kids will use your walls as artist easels. Kitchen floors will be covered in grease and oil. Cooking waste and grease will stained the table tops, sofa with food stains, clogged toilet and there may be even pet poo.

The last advice is do no rush to secure your tenant. Inexperienced landlords often rush to get a tenant. They use free tenant search sites to reduce their costs. They accept the first tenant willing to pay the asking rent, in a desperate bid to avoid costly void periods. Our experience is that acting hastily can be very costly in the long run.

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